The Golden Edition Preview


Last December, we published a piece called What to Expect in 2020, teasing two major Oceanhorn 2 updates scheduled for this year. The time is nigh for the first one, defined at the time as the “big under-the-hood update”: we finally have a name for it, and that name is Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm Golden Edition.  

While we think most of you are happy with the product we launched, we’re always aiming for improvements. This update is mostly about the player’s “Quality of Life”: getting rid of a few remaining bugs, making combat mechanics more transparent, communicating XPs differently, and general polishing. In short, this is the best, most approachable version of the game to date. 

But that’s not all! While new content is the focus of this year’s second updatewe couldn’t resist adding a few things to the Golden Edition as well. What can you expect then?

First of all – we’re expanding on the game’s ending. Some of you have been puzzled by the end of Oceanhorn 2: while we know that not everyone has played Monsters of Uncharted Seas, of which Knights of the Lost Realm is a prequel, we recognize that perhaps a bit more exposition is needed. We won’t spoil what we’ll be adding exactly – this is an excellent opportunity to pick up the game again even if you’ve already finished it. Rest assured, there are new parts of the story we’ll shed light upon. 


The second significant addition is a new item: the Shield of Chronos, familiar to those who played the first game. The one you’ll see in Knights of the Lost Realm is its prototype, and it comes at the end of a brand new dungeon ready to be explored. 

We also beefed up the side quests on the map, adding infamous super-enemies that need to be found and brought to justice. If these new quests turn out to be a hit with our community, we will certainly add more of them in the future. 

Last but not least, over 100 new voice-overs from the same actors you’ve grown to love and respect have been added to the game, to make specific interactions clearer, and to voice the new story bits. 

Are you looking forward to seeing all the new stuff in action? Stay tuned for the Golden Edition – coming in the next few weeks on a screen near you!
