Behind the Scenes of the Hero's Path

The Hero's Path update came into being as an acknowledgment of users' feedback from the game's debut version. Besides making it a bit easier for players to start out and put together a gang of like-minded friends to play locally, we also wanted to explore the possibility for the characters to become stronger as they descended the Chronos Dungeon.

When we decided to focus on the Skill Path, a leveling up board where players can unlock progressively better skills, we had to rethink a few things from version 1.0 of the game. Our previous take was that all the characters are different: some do less damage, some can take more hits, etc.


Now, the responsibility to develop a character would fall on the players instead: each character has their own unique skills on the board, but since one can't unlock them all in a single run, which ones will you choose? Since you can preview some of the upcoming skills, the metagame now becomes much more about having a mid-term plan. If you're playing co-op, you "own" a character and you want to put all your focus on them, if instead you're playing solo, diversifying skills is the best way to always have someone right for every situation. Our true call is offering an alternative to a board game session with friends: the Chronos Dungeon can be explored in one sitting, but you'll need to make choices, together.

Adding the Easy difficulty was part of the same reasoning: because we're also hoping to see parents playing with their kids, or kids among them, we wanted to make sure that the game never becomes an impossible challenge for the more inexperienced players.

We think these changes really brought the game to life, and the first feedback we're getting is overwhelmingly positive. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
