Read Chapter 1 of Oceanhorn's 2 manga!

Hello there,

All pages of Chapter 1 of Oceanhorn 2’s manga are finally available! If you missed them on our social channels, you’ll now find them below.

Before you jump into the manga, take a look at the small FAQ we prepared about this project. 


Wow, this is cool. Will it ever be printed?

This has been conceived from the beginning as a digital project. We'll publish all chapters in digital form, here, on our website and on our social media channels. That said, we might print a few physical copies, mostly for promotional use. You probably won't be able to buy them. Still, if we make them, they might be used as rewards for online competitions or other online initiatives. 

How many chapters are there?

Three. We'll share the upcoming chapters in 2020. 

When is it set? 

Before the events of Oceanhorn 2. You'll discover some new lore for sure. 
